[ Moscow University[ Brain Research Group ]

Sergey V. Borisov

PhD, Research Scientist

MSc (in biology) 1998,  Nizhny Novgorod State University
PhD (in psychophysiology) 2002, 
Moscow State University

E-mail: basirov@mail.ru


Research Interests

Theoretical and experimental aspects of electroencephalography and, in particular, EEG alpha-activity structure and functions.

Study of the EEG characteristics:

·        In the rest condition and during the cognitive tasks;

·        In patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders;

·        Influenced by the pharmacological agents.

Development of the new methods of EEG analysis (segmental analysis, analysis of structural synchrony).

Study of the EEG using the new signal processing methods (ICA, DSS).




Selected Publications


Journal papers:

  • Kaplan A.Ya., Borisov S.V., Zheligovsky V.A. Classification of EEG's of adolescents based on spectral and segment parameters for the purposes of schizophrenia diagnostics // Biological Psychiatry, 2005 (ISSN 0006-3223), submitted
  • Borisov S.V., Kaplan A.Ya., Gorbachevskaya N.L., Kozlova I.A. Structural organization of the EEG alpha activity in adolescents with schizophrenic spectrum disorders // Zh. Vyssh. Nerv. Deiat Im. I.P.Pavlova (I.P.Pavlov J. of Higher Nervous Activity). 2005, V.55. #3. P. 351-357 (in Russian).
  • Borisov S.V., Kaplan A Ya. Gorbachevskaya N.L., Kozlova I.A. Analysis of structural synchronization of the EEG in adolescents with schizophrenic spectrum disorders // Fiziologia cheloveka (Hum Physiol). 2005, V. 31. #3. P. 1-8 (in Russian).
  • Kaplan A.Ya., Borisov S.V., Zheligovskiy V.A. Classification of EEG of adolescents based on spectral and segment characteristics for normals and patients with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders // Zh. Vyssh. Nerv. Deiat Im. I.P.Pavlova (I.P.Pavlov J. of Higher Nervous Activity). 2005, V.55. #4. P... in press (in Russian).
  • Kaplan A.Ya., Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Borisov S.V., Shishkin S.L., Darkhovsky B.S. Nonstationary nature of the brain activity as revealed by EEG/MEG: methodological, practical and conceptual challenges // Signal Processing Journal, … 2005, accepted
  • Borisov S.V., Isaev V.A., Kaplan A Ya., Platonova R.D. Ashmarin I.P. The influence of Eifitol on human EEG spectral power characteristics // Vestnik Moscowsk. Univers. (Bulletin of Moscow University). Series 16. Biology. 2004. #3. P. 13-17. (in Russian).
  • Fingelkurts An.A., Fingelkurts Al.A., Krause C.M., Kaplan A.Ya., Borisov S.V. and Sams M. Structural (operational) synchrony of EEG alpha activity during an auditory memory task // NeuroImage. 2003. V.20. P.529-542.
  • Kaplan A.Ya., Borisov S.V. Dynamic Properties of Segmental Characteristics of EEG Alpha Activity in Rest Conditions and During Cognitive Tasks // Zh. Vyssh. Nerv. Deiat Im. I.P.Pavlova (I.P.Pavlov J. of Higher Nervous Activity). 2003. V. 53. #1. P. 22-31 (in Russian).
  • Kaplan A.Ya., Borisov S.V., Shishkin S.L., Ermolayev V.A. Analysis of segmental structure of EEG alpha activity in humans // Ross. Fiziol. Zh. Im. I.M.Sechenova (I.M.Sechenov Russian Physiological J.). 2002. V. 88., #4. P. 432-442 (in Russian).



Conference abstracts and papers:

  • Borisov S., Ilin A., Vigario R., Kaplan A. Source localization of low- and high-amplitude alpha activity: A segmental and DSS analysis. 11th Annual Meeting of Organization for Human Brain Mapping. Toronto, Canada, June, 12-16, 2005 // … accepted
  • Borisov S.V., Gorbachevskaya N.L., Kaplan A.Ya. Structural synchronization of the multichannel EEG in adolescents with schizophrenic spectrum disorders. Ist Joint Meeting of the EEG and Clin Neuroscience Society (ECNS) and The International Society for Neuroimaging in Psychiatry (ISNIP). Irvin, USA, September 29 - October 3, 2004 // Clin. EEG and Neuroscience, 2004, V.35, #4, P.226.
  • Borisov S.V. Gorbachevskaya N.L., Kaplan A.Ya. Features of segmental structure of the EEG alpha activity in adolescents with schizophrenic spectrum disorders. Proceedings of the 8th Multidisciplinary International Conference of Biological Psychiatry “Stress and behavior”, (St. Peterburg, Russia, May, 17-19, 2004) // Psihofarmakol. Biol. Narkol. (Psychopharmacology & Biological Narcology) 2004. V. 4. #2-3. P. 739-740.
  • Kaplan A.Ya., Darkhovsky B.S., Kosinov M., Borisov S.V. New aproach in estimation of EEG complexity. 5th Annual Meeting of the EEG and Clin Neuroscience Society (ECNS). Houston, USA, September 17-21, 2003 // Clin. EEG and Neuroscience, 2003, V.34, #3, P.162.
  • Kaplan A.Ya., Borisov S.V., Gorbachevskaya N.L. Organization of EEG Quasi-Stable Alpha Rhythms for Schizophrenia in Adolescents. 11th European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Barcelona, Spain August 24 - 28, 2002.
  • Kaplan A.Ya., Borisov S.V. The Quasi-Stationary Structure of the Human EEG Alpha-Activity in the Rest and During Different Cognitive Loads. 11th World Congress Of Psychophysiology Montreal, Quebec, Canada, July 29 - August 3, 2002.
  • Kaplan A.Ya., Borisov S.V. The Differences in Structural Synchrony of The Brain Electrical Field in Alpha Range Between Normal Control and Schizophrenic Adolescents. 8th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Sendai, Japan, June 2 - 6, 2002.



Other Interests and Activities


Psychology, psychotherapy. Photography.


Last updated: May 15, 2005.

[ Moscow University[ Brain Research Group ]